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Procrastination from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.

What is procrastination according to the video?

What examples does the video give of things people do when procrastinating?

What do you do when you procrastinate?


Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is something that we working people need to think about. What is your lifestyle like? Do you find yourself working too much and not spending enough time with your family and friends? Here is a speech by an author Nigel Marsh.

Up until 40, what was Nigel Marsh's lifestyle like?

What did he realise when he took a year off work?

What are his 4 observations about work-life balance?

What can you do to improve your work-life balance? Remember, small things matter.

Source: http://www.ted.com/talks/nigel_marsh_how_to_make_work_life_balance_work.html


10 Golden Trading Rules

Read and comment:

1. Some traders consider trading as a sort of gambling. Without planning and calculations, they throw money at the market. They should distance themselves from gambling behavior. Why a scientific approach is applicable? Markets echo similar patterns over and over again. It allows identify reliable trends and select good trading vehicles.

2. Think in terms of probabilities and act upon them.There are no certainties in trading. You can keep yourself out of trouble by thinking in terms of probabilities. Get comfortable with approximate predictions and interpretations.

3. Hope, fear and greed are not strategies: they are emotions. Simple emotions are not an effective strategy. Positive emotions could cause us to fail to apply riskprecautions. Negative emotion could cause us to hesitate.
Trading is a psychological game. Most people think that they're playing against the market,but the market doesn't care. You're really playing against yourself.



List the 10 golden trading rules he mentions.











Listen again and discuss about the explanation he gives for each rule.

What are your trading rules?



A preposition describes a relationship between other words in a sentence. In itself, a word like "in" or "after" is rather meaningless and hard to define in mere words. For instance, when you do try to define a preposition like "in" or "between" or "on," you invariably use your hands to show how something is situated in relationship to something else. Prepositions are nearly always combined with other words in structures called prepositional phrases. Prepositional phrases can be made up of a million different words, but they tend to be built the same: a preposition followed by a determiner and an adjective or two, followed by a pronoun or noun (called the object of the preposition). This whole phrase, in turn, takes on a modifying role, acting as an adjective or an adverb, locating something in time and space, modifying a noun, or telling when or where or under what conditions something happened.

Consider the professor's desk and underline all the prepositional phrases.

You can sit before the desk (or in front of the desk). The professor can sit on the desk (when he's being informal) or behind the desk, and then his feet are under the desk or beneath the desk. He can stand beside the desk (meaning next to the desk), before the desk, between the desk and you, or even on the desk (if he's really strange). If he's clumsy, he can bump into the desk or try to walk through the desk (and stuff would fall off the desk). Passing his hands over the desk or resting his elbows upon the desk, he often looks across the desk and speaks of the desk or concerning the desk as if there were nothing else like the desk. Because he thinks of nothing except the desk, sometimes you wonder about the desk, what's in the desk, what he paid for the desk, and if he could live without the desk. You can walk toward the desk, to the desk, around the desk, by the desk, and even past the desk while he sits at the desk or leans against the desk.

All of this happens, of course, in time: during the class, before the class, until the class, throughout the class, after the class, etc. And the professor can sit there in a bad mood

Prepositions of Time: at, on, and in
1. We use at to designate specific times.
The train is due at 12:15 p.m.
2. We use on to designate days and dates.
My brother is coming on Monday.
We're having a party on the Fourth of July.
3. We use in for nonspecific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year.
She likes to jog in the morning.
It's too cold in winter to run outside.
He started the job in 1971.
He's going to quit in August.

Prepositions of Place: at, on, and in
1. We use at for specific addresses.
Grammar English lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham.
2. We use on to designate names of streets, avenues, etc.
Her house is on Boretz Road.
3. And we use in for the names of land-areas (towns, counties, states, countries, and continents).
She lives in Durham.
Durham is in Windham County.
Windham County is in Connecticut.

Prepositions of Movement: to
and No Preposition
1. We use to in order to express movement toward a place.
They were driving to work together.
She's going to the dentist's office this morning.
2. Toward and towards are also helpful prepositions to express movement. These are simply variant spellings of the same word; use whichever sounds better to you.
We're moving toward the light.
This is a big step towards the project's completion.
3. With the words home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs, we use no preposition.
Grandma went upstairs
Grandpa went home.
They both went outside.

Prepositions of Time: for and since
1. We use for when we measure time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years).
He held his breath for seven minutes.
She's lived there for seven years.
The British and Irish have been quarreling for seven centuries.
2. We use since with a specific date or time.
He's worked here since 1970.
She's been sitting in the waiting room since two-thirty.

1. My friend lives _______ Brazil Road.
2. I will be ready to leave ______ about twenty minutes.
3. The child reacted to her mother’s demands ________ throwing a tantrum.
4. I think she spent the entire afternoon __________ the phone.
5. I am not interested ______ buying a house right now.
6. My husband is named _________ his father.
7. My birthday is ________ 19th May.
8. I was visiting my friend ________ the hospital.
9. There is more and more violent _______ the television.
10. I go to work _______ car.


Out of 7 billion people, what number are you?


Find out what number you are.



Job Interview

Where you are looking for a job now or preparing yourself for your future dream job, it is important to build up on your job interview skills. Here are some tips and common job interview questions.



Prepare a response so you are ready for the question "What do you know about our company. Know the interviewer's name and use it during the job interview. If you're not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions.

Get Ready

Make sure your interview attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of firm you are interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio with copies of your resume. Include a pen and paper for note taking.

Be On Time

Be on time for the interview. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there.

Stay Calm

During the job interview, try to relax and stay as calm possible. Take a moment to regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question before you answer and pay attention - you will be embarrassed if you forget the question!

Show What You Know

Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. When discussing your career accomplishments match them to what the company is looking for.

Follow Up

Always follow-up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position. If you interview with multiple people send each one a thank you note.


Don't chew gum during the interview.

Don't rely on your application or resume to do the selling for you. No matter how qualified you are for the position, you will need to sell yourself to the interviewer.

Don't be soft-spoken. A forceful voice projects confidence.

Don't act as though you would take any job or are desperate for employment.

Don't say anything negative about former colleagues, supervisors, or employers.

Don't ever lie. Answer questions truthfully, frankly and succinctly. And don't over-answer questions.

Don't answer questions with a simple "yes" or "no." Explain whenever possible. Describe those things about yourself that showcase your talents, skills, and determination. Give examples.

Don't bring up or discuss personal issues or family problems.

Don't answer cell phone calls during the interview, and do turn off (or set to silent ring) your cell phone and/or pager.

Don't inquire about salary, vacations, bonuses, retirement, or other benefits until after you've received an offer. Be prepared for a question about your salary requirements, but do try and delay salary talk until you have an offer

Most Common Questions:

  1. What is your greatest strength?
  2. What is your greatest weakness?
  3. How do you handle stress and pressure?
  4. Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it.
  5. Why are you leaving or have left your job?
  6. Why do you want this job?
  7. Why should we hire you?
  8. What are your goals for the future?
  9. Tell me about yourself.

1. What should you do first in a job interview?

2. When the interviewer asks why you left your previous job, how should you answer?

3. How should you respond when the interviewer says you are overqualified?

4. What should you do when the topic of salary and benefits comes up?


Sayings for Halloween

Halloween is coming up.

It is said that Halloween is the time when ghosts, monsters, witches and all the scarying things you can think of appear.

Here are some Halloween themed sayings....

witching hour - witching hour is the time of night when witches, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures are said to appear.


I'm not leaving the house at witching hour on Halloween!

skeleton in the cupboard – a skeleton in the cupboard is is something that might bring shame or embarrassment to a family or person if other people knew about it.


Mrs Mills has a skeleton in the cupboard: she was caught stealing money from her employer in 2002.

a ghost town – a ghost town is one that has been abandoned and is no longer inhabited.


All the young people have left our village and it's like a ghost town now.

spirit away – to spirit away something or somebody (or spirit something or somebody away), is to remove something or someone from a place quickly, secretly and mysteriously.


According to legend, she was spirited away in the middle of the night by witches.

chill the blood – if something chills your blood it scares you. Also – make the blood run cold


The horror story chilled my blood.

The screams from the haunted house made my blood run cold.

in cold blood – to act in cold blood is to do something deliberately and without emotions or mercy.


They killed their former friend in cold blood.

makes one's blood boil – if something makes your blood boil, it makes you angry.


It makes my blood boil to think that he was promoted to Manager before I was.

put / stick the knife in – to do or say something very unpleasant or very unkind to someone.


He really put the knife in when he told her that nobody at work liked her.

stab in the back – to stab someone in the back is to betray them.


We let him stay in our home, but he stabbed us in the back by telling lies about us to everyone.

scared stiff - if someone is scared stiff they are so frightened they are unable to move.


I was scared stiff when I saw the ghostly face at my window.

scare the pants off someone - to scare the pants off someone is to frighten them a great deal


Halloween scares the pants off me!

a Jekyll and Hyde personality - someone with a Jekyll and Hyde personality has two sides to their personality: good and evil.

This expression comes from the novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, in which the good Dr Jekyll turns into the evil Mr Hyde.


Everybody thinks he is a lovely old man, but he can be very cruel and heartless: he has a Jeckyll and Hyde personality.

mad as a hatter – if someone is as mad as a hatter, they are completely insane.

It is thought this expression might have its origins in the fact that mercury was used in hat making: this caused nerve damage in the hat makers, making them appear insane.


Be careful when you talk to him, he's as mad as a hatter.

driven out of one's mind – to be driven out of one's mind is to be made insane with worry or fear.


I was driven out of my mind with worry when I lost my job and had no money to pay the bills.

Source: http://online-english-lessons.eu/wordpress/2011/10/35-phrasal-verbs-idioms-and-sayings-for-halloween/


Are you brandwashed?

First of all, what is the meaning of being brainwashed?

If you are brainwashed, your mind is manipulated in a way that changes the way you think and consequently on the way you act and the decisions you make. Like in the Nazi days, people were told continuously how we had to get rid of the Jews and why they were evil. Although it is not true, many people were manipulated to believe that it was true. We all know what happened and how powerful and dangerous brainwashing can be.

In the same way, nowadays we are all exposed to constant marketing and selling, and we run the risk of being brandwashed. Below is a video about an experiment on how word of mouth influences the way we buy.

Why did they consider the Morgenson family as the perfect family to experiment on?

Did the family find it hard to sell products all the time?

What were the results?

Do you agree that we are brandwashed? Why or why not?


Idiom no. 3

'music to my ears'

You can use this idiom when someone says something that you want to or like to hear.

For example, it was my wedding last week.

When my husband say 'I do', it was music to my ears.


Idiom no. 2

'Keep a straight face'

The meaning of this idiom is to try not to laugh or show emotions.

For example, a friend once told me how he got a black toe. He told me that he had kicked the leg of a coffee table and explained how painful it was.

When my friend told me his story, I tried very hard to keep a straight face.

Edit a Wikipedia Page

Have you ever checked the Wikipedia page about your city, state or country?
When you take a look at it, I'm sure you will find missing information or information you would like others to know about the place.
Why not start a little Wikipedia project by editing and improving a page?
It can improve your vocabulary as well as your knowledge about the place you live.

Take a look at this website for guidelines:



Idiom no.1

This week's idiom is `give a shot'.

Give a shot = to try

In Brazil, most people drive manual cars. In Australia, I drove an automatic car and never tried or intended to try to drive a manual car. Apparently I will need to have a driving test with a manual car even if I intend to drive an automatic car in Brazil.

I might fail my driving test with a manual car, but I will give it a shot.


Write a story

Here is a website which gives you random sentences to start a story:


Storywriting is fun. It allows your imagination go wild and at the same time, practice your English. I recommend you using a thesaurus while writing. It will make your story sound more elaborate and it will build your vocabulary as well.

You can kill two birds with one stone with this method :)


Reflective Teaching

As teachers, we need to reflect on our teaching to improve ourselves professionally. The reason why reflecting is useful is because it helps you identify areas in your teaching that you would like to change, areas of teaching that are good and you are happy with that you would like to continue, areas that you need to research further, and plan what actions you would like to take in the future. Reflective teaching helps you gain an insight of your teaching practice and learn from you own experience.

There are 6 steps in the reflective cycle:
1. Description: What worked and didn't work in a class?
2. Feelings: What were your thoughts and feelings during and after particular tasks?
3. Evaluation: How did the students behave or react?
4. Analysis: What alternative approach could you have used?
5. Conclusion: What was good or bad about the experience?
6. Action plan: What will you do next time if the same thing happened? What can you do to prevent the same thing from happening?

I understand that teachers are very busy people, but just taking 10 minutes a week to reflect on the highlights would really improve your future lessons.

Why not give it a try?



I just found a wonderful website for studying vocabulary. You get 20 images based on one theme. All you have to do is type in the word that you think it is. Very often, there are words that have a similar meaning. This game allows you to think about what synonyms there are and use them.
This game is perfect for visual learners.


Have fun

Too Young and Too Old

Here are two stories for you to think about: pregnancy at 5 and at 61 years of age.



What do you think is the right age of having a baby? Why?

The Dogme Approach

There has been much talk about the Dogme language teaching approach.
Here is a link about it:


Personally, I like the concept it is based on. I also believe it is important to create a lesson that students are interested in, relevant and student-focused. However, the use of no listening recordings. textbooks, flashcards and so forth seem to me a little silly.

There are so many resources that are created for language teaching which certainly help students learn. Too much reliance on one resource is not good but taking advantage of all the available resources is in my point of view, the way to go.

That being said, I would really like to hear what you think about this teaching approach.




Today 20,000 gathered to watch the last bullfight in Catalonia in Spain.
Supporters of bullfighting see it as the tradition and art of Spain. However, animal rights advocates see it as cruel and a blood sport. It is said that 9 out of 10 people in Spain believes that it is cruel and it exists merely for tourism. This is the reason why the government decided to ban bullfighting.

Here is a video and an article about the topic:



What do you know about bullfighting?

Make a list of the positives and negatives of bullfighting?

Would you have liked to see it in Spain? Why or why not?

The future of toreros and training toreros seem bleak. What advice would you give them?


Nowadays, almost everyone has a camera. The camera most commonly used is the digital camera. However, some people still love to use the good old film cameras, which I personally adore. Most people like digital cameras because of its convenience and user-friendliness. Even if you are not a photographer, it is now possible for you to take good quality photos, but digital cameras have actually taken away a lot of the fun in photography.

Do you think about composition, focusing, lighting and so forth when you are using a digital camera?

When you use a film camera, these are the things you have to think about for each and every photo. Film cameras allow you to make a photo something special and something that is your very own.

Here is a link of a photographer who is passionate about black and white film photography.


What do you think about this?

Do you have a digital camera?

Do you still have a film camera and do you use it?

In your point of view, what are the positives and negatives of the two types of cameras?

When do you normally take photos?

How can you turn a photo into art?

What do you think is the difference between you and a true photographer?


The Alphabet

A nice video to help you study the alphabet again and learn some new vocabulary.


The Alphabet 2 from n9ve on Vimeo.


Everyone has experienced having depression or feeling the helplessness when someone they know is suffering from the problem.

This is an article about it.


Have you suffered from depression or been around someone with the problem before?

How did you feel?

What might have been the cause of it?

What things helped to make you or the sufferer feel better?

What things didn't work?

What can the society do to prevent the problem?


Being a man

Obviously, because I am a woman, I don't know what it would be like to be a man.
This is a short video of what some men think are the best and worst things about being a man.

If you are a woman, what do you think are the best and worst things about being a woman?

If you are a man, do you agree with this video? What do you like or dislike most about being a man?

If you had the choice, would you change your sex? Why or why not?