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Sayings for Halloween

Halloween is coming up.

It is said that Halloween is the time when ghosts, monsters, witches and all the scarying things you can think of appear.

Here are some Halloween themed sayings....

witching hour - witching hour is the time of night when witches, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures are said to appear.


I'm not leaving the house at witching hour on Halloween!

skeleton in the cupboard – a skeleton in the cupboard is is something that might bring shame or embarrassment to a family or person if other people knew about it.


Mrs Mills has a skeleton in the cupboard: she was caught stealing money from her employer in 2002.

a ghost town – a ghost town is one that has been abandoned and is no longer inhabited.


All the young people have left our village and it's like a ghost town now.

spirit away – to spirit away something or somebody (or spirit something or somebody away), is to remove something or someone from a place quickly, secretly and mysteriously.


According to legend, she was spirited away in the middle of the night by witches.

chill the blood – if something chills your blood it scares you. Also – make the blood run cold


The horror story chilled my blood.

The screams from the haunted house made my blood run cold.

in cold blood – to act in cold blood is to do something deliberately and without emotions or mercy.


They killed their former friend in cold blood.

makes one's blood boil – if something makes your blood boil, it makes you angry.


It makes my blood boil to think that he was promoted to Manager before I was.

put / stick the knife in – to do or say something very unpleasant or very unkind to someone.


He really put the knife in when he told her that nobody at work liked her.

stab in the back – to stab someone in the back is to betray them.


We let him stay in our home, but he stabbed us in the back by telling lies about us to everyone.

scared stiff - if someone is scared stiff they are so frightened they are unable to move.


I was scared stiff when I saw the ghostly face at my window.

scare the pants off someone - to scare the pants off someone is to frighten them a great deal


Halloween scares the pants off me!

a Jekyll and Hyde personality - someone with a Jekyll and Hyde personality has two sides to their personality: good and evil.

This expression comes from the novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, in which the good Dr Jekyll turns into the evil Mr Hyde.


Everybody thinks he is a lovely old man, but he can be very cruel and heartless: he has a Jeckyll and Hyde personality.

mad as a hatter – if someone is as mad as a hatter, they are completely insane.

It is thought this expression might have its origins in the fact that mercury was used in hat making: this caused nerve damage in the hat makers, making them appear insane.


Be careful when you talk to him, he's as mad as a hatter.

driven out of one's mind – to be driven out of one's mind is to be made insane with worry or fear.


I was driven out of my mind with worry when I lost my job and had no money to pay the bills.

Source: http://online-english-lessons.eu/wordpress/2011/10/35-phrasal-verbs-idioms-and-sayings-for-halloween/

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